Setting up a Criteo Partner
Getting started
DFINERY is Criteo’s only CDP partner in the Asia Pacific region and boasts high technology and safety.
Now, conduct more sophisticated and efficient audience-based hyper-personalized marketing campaigns with easy integration.
In this guide, we will guide you through the DFINERY settings required to run Criteo ads.
Link essential events
In order to run Criteo advertisements efficiently, you must link essential events defined by Criteo.
- View home screen
- View product list
- View product details
- View shopping cart list
- purchase
For more information about the events required for each Criteo advertising product, please refer to the Criteo guide below.
[ Definery X Criteo Integration: Android ]
Setting up Criteo Partner
Activate Criteo Partner
First, you need to activate your Criteo partner. Partners that are not activated cannot be used in DFINERY campaigns.
- Go to the Attributions > Ad Partner Settings menu.
- Search for “Criteo-New” and click.
- Click the ‘Active’ button at the bottom right.
- Click the ‘Postbacks’ tab at the top.
- Activate and save postbacks for each event to be sent to Criteo.
Enabling Criteo Postbacks
Set default values for postbacks sent from DFINERY to Criteo.Select which event to transmit, activate it, and save it. If you do not enable postback, no information will be sent to Criteo about campaign inflow performance.
- Go to the Ad Partner Settings menu.
- Go to the ‘Postbacks’ tab at the top.
- Select, activate and save the events you want to send.
Setting up a campaign
Create a campaign
DFINERY can advertise on a campaign basis.If you do not have a campaign, you will not be able to receive the tracking link needed for advertising tracking.
- Go to the Attributions > Ad Campaign menu.
- Click the “+Create New Campaign” button.
- Enter a campaign name and click the 'Confirm' button to create the campaign.
Setting up campaign postbacks
DFINERY can set different postback settings for each campaign.From the created campaign, select and activate the events to be sent as postbacks to Criteo.
- Go to the “Ad Campaign” menu.
- Select a campaign.
- Go to the “Postback Final Settings” tab at the top.
- Select, activate and save the events you want to send to Criteo.
Issue a tracking link
You will need to obtain a tracking link to be used to track Criteo ads. In order to issue a tracking link, a Criteo partner must be connected to the campaign.
- Go to the Attributions > Ad Campaign menu.
- Click the Tracking Link tab.
- Search for “Criteo-New” partners.
- Click the “Connect with Ad Campaign” button at the bottom right to connect to the campaign.
- On the screen that appears, click the “Issue tracking link” button to create a tracking link for advertising performance tracking.
Deliver directly to DFINERY audiences
With one click, you can send DFINERY audience segments to Criteo for use in ad targeting.
Link your Criteo account
Find Criteo in the Audience Partner menu and log in.
- Click the Customer Data / Audience Partner Setting menu
- Click on Criteo Partner
- Click “Login with Criteo” in the upper right corner
- Log in with your Criteo advertising account.
Select portfolio (ad account)
Once you successfully log in to your Criteo account, you can check the list of portfolios you own in your Criteo account.
Check the portfolio to be connected to the DFINERY audience and click the “Approve” button to proceed with the approval process.
Add connection
Click the “+Add Connection” button to add a connection to forward your audience.
An audience will be created in your Criteo advertising account with the name you enter here.
Select and send audiences
The settings to transfer DFINERY audience to Criteo are now complete.
Now, you can send the audience data created in Audience Studio under the desired conditions to Criteo.
- Select the audience you want to transfer to
- Click the Sync button
- Select and save connections created with Criteo partners
Criteo Commerce Growth Settings
Criteo Commerce Growth ( ) is a console where you can create Criteo campaigns and set audiences.
Creating Criteo Audience
You can check the delivered DFINERY audience on the ASSETS / Audiences / Segments screen of Criteo Commerce Growth.
[[Quote:Guide:Normal]] For detailed guidance on setting up Criteo campaigns and using Commerce Growth, you can contact the Criteo Korea Sales Partnership Team.
Q. When I click on the tracking link created with Criteo, it doesn't land on the desired page.
In the final tracking link generated through the Criteo partner, if the value of the a_ip and a_ua parameters are empty, it may not redirect to the desired landing point.
If the parameter is present, Criteo needs to input a specific value for a smooth test.
If you want to test it yourself,
, delete the parameters and proceed with the landing test.
① If you want to test with parameters: Request the Criteo representative to add a_ip and a_ua
② If you want to test directly: Proceed with the test after deleting the a_ip and a_ua parameters