iOS14 update response information (2): SDK distribution and application
For details on iOS 14’s ATT policy response, see
iOS14 update response information (1): Key points
Please check the article.
This article provides information on the DFINERY-compatible SDK update and changes resulting from the update.
SDK update for iOS 14
update background
Latest updated version 1.6.5400
When applied, the identification value used in DFINERYs advertising performance measurement and analysis is changed from the existing IDFA.
IDFV (Supplier ID)
will change to .
In order to respond to the ATT policy of Apple iOS, DFINERY decided to use the IDFV value instead of the previously used IDFA as the identification value for Apple devices.
IDFV is a unique value given to each app publisher (vendor, supplier).
"( IDFV) can be used to analyze across apps from the same content provider. (But) IDFV cannot be combined with other data to track you across third-party-owned apps and websites unless you give us permission to track you.”
- User privacy and data use
Therefore, IDFV cannot be used for attribution across multiple apps or as a retargeting tool. In other words, it cannot be a complete replacement for IDFA.
However, DFINERY identified with the expectation that as Apple's privacy policy gradually strengthens, attribution in the iOS environment will ultimately change to using SKAdnetwork, and the proportion of IDFAs that can be obtained will decrease. We have decided to change the value.
Rather than IDFA, which is collected in a limited manner, using IDFV will be more advantageous not only for attribution but also for data identification, consistent accumulation, and analysis activities.
- The changes resulting from changing the definition value from IDFA to IDFV are as follows.
Changes after update
- Updated version 1.6.5400 When applied, the minimum identity value used by the definition changes to IDFV. Obtaining an IDFA is not completely ruled out. If the IDFA can be obtained through the ATT pop-up, the IDFA is applied to attribution modeling and the IDFA is also included in the postback.
If an app user installs an app with SDK version 1.6.5400,
attribution is also measured through IDFV.
Even if the user has previously installed, it will be counted again as a New Install. However, if a user who has not deleted the app updates the app with version 1.6.5400 SDK, it will not be counted as a New Install. To reduce the proportion of such phenomena occurring, migration of identification values from IDFV to IDFA is in progress and is scheduled to be completed in mid-April. Once the migration is complete, even if the existing user reinstalled, it will not be counted as a New Install. Even if the user had previously installed, it will be counted as a New Install again. However, if a user who has not deleted the app updates the app with version 1.6.5400 SDK, it will not be counted as a New Install. To reduce the proportion of such phenomena occurring, migration of identification values from IDFV to IDFA is in progress and is scheduled to be completed in mid-April. Once migration is complete, it will not be counted as a New Install even if the existing installer reinstalls.
Even if the user has previously installed, it will be counted again as a New Install. However, if a user who has not deleted the app updates the app with
the 1.6.5400 version of the SDK,
it will not be counted as a New Install.
To reduce the proportion of such phenomena occurring, migration of identification values from IDFV to IDFA is in progress and is scheduled to be completed in mid-April. Once migration is complete, it will not be counted as a New Install even if the existing installer reinstalls. - In the case of advertising media that directly uses DFINERYs tracking link, if IDFA is not obtained from both the advertising media and the client company, only the probabilistic method (fingerprint) through IDFV among the attribution methodologies will work.Therefore, you must activate the Click-Fingerprint Unit of DFINERYs Open Attribution Modeling.- See related details in detail
- Reflects changes to the Apple Search Ad framework. - See related details in detail
- SKAdnetwork connections with media companies will be completed starting with prepared media partners and will be updated sequentially. Detailed information is updated through iOS14 update response guide (1): Key points .