iOS14 update response information (1): Major update
iOS 14 Update Overview
[[Quote:Information:Small]] Apple announced that it will enforce AppTrackingTransparency starting from iOS 14.5. - View press release
When Apple released iOS 14 at WWDC 2020, it announced that it would implement a stronger user data protection policy than before.
Specifically, the following two things will have a significant impact on the mobile app advertising ecosystem.
Without the user's explicit consent, the advertising ID (IDFA) that has previously identified the device on iOS cannot be obtained.
Explicit consent can be obtained by exposing the user to an App Tracking Transparency (ATT) pop-up. - Through SKAdNetwork , Apple measures app advertising performance and provides results.
The article summarizes iOS 14-related issues that have a significant impact on all members of the advertising ecosystem, including advertisers and media partners, and DFINERY 's response.
Changes in IDFA acquisition method and attribution
Obtaining an IDFA is only possible with explicit consent.
IDFA is the basic identification value that makes up the iOS mobile app advertising ecosystem. IDFA values were used to conduct all advertising activities in the iOS environment, including advertising performance measurement, user analysis, advertising optimization, and data-based targeting. Therefore, a situation where IDFA values cannot be obtained from app users can be seen as a big change.
Specifically, in iOS 14.5 and later versions, IDFA collection method is forced from Opt-Out method to Opt-In method.
- Opt-Out: By default, collection is possible, but users can refuse collection.
- Opt-In: Basically, collection is not possible, and collection is only allowed with the users consent.
If the developer decides to obtain IDFA through the user's explicit consent as needed, they should implement the ATT pop-up within the app by referring to Apple's App Tracking Transparency framework document . If you do not implement the ATT popup within the app, IDFA will not be obtained automatically.
ATT pop-up exampleㅣImage source: Apple, PRESS RELEASE
Even if an IDFA is not obtained, DFINERY attribution still works.
From the time of planning and designing the service, DFINERY has been developed and operated so that the ad tracking function can operate even in situations where IDFA is not obtained.With Android Unlike iOS, since referrers through the market are not provided, many campaigns have been conducted using probabilistic attribution modeling.
In situations where IDFA is not obtained, DFINERY obtains the IDFV value instead and applies it to attribution.In other words, if the ATT popup is not implemented, or even if implemented, explicit consent is not permitted, IDFV is used instead of the IDFA value. Therefore, DFINERY is still capable of attribution and analysis for iOS . However, depending on the characteristics of IDFV, a deterministic attribution model cannot be applied through IDFV, and only a probabilistic model can work.
[[Quote: Guide: Small]] An update to the SDK version is required to enable attribution through IDFV values. View details ㅣ Go to link guide
[[Quote: Guide: Small]] In order to activate probabilistic attribution through IDFV value, please be sure to check whether the Click-Fingerprint Unit in open attribution modeling is included in the Tier. Default settings are included in Tier2.
Apples SKAdNetwork
SKAdNetwork is an attribution library provided by Apple.
With the release of iOS 14, Apple updated SKAdNetwork to allow limited reporting of advertising performance without IDFA. This is a method in which Apple measures attribution and reports the results to the ad network (media partner). To achieve this, advertisers, ad networks, and publisher apps must all be updated using Apples protocols.
However, the features below cannot be used through SKAdNetwork.
View-through attribution is not available.
SKAdNetwork provides guidance on how to implement it so that it operates when an ad is clicked. In the information released so far, the API corresponding to advertising exposure has not been confirmed.
Web to app ads are not eligible for reporting.
As instructed in 1., SKAdNetwork's API must be called when an ad is clicked, and this is provided only at the app level. Therefore, web pages are not supported.
Real-time campaigns cannot be operated.
If Apple determines that an app installation is coming from an advertisement, it will notify the ad network via a postback. However, the official document states that there is a delay of 24 to 48 hours for postback. Marketers won't be able to check the performance of their ads for at least 24 hours after they launch.
Unable to check integrated media report.
Apple sends performance postbacks for advertisements directly to the media that contributed to the advertisement. In other words, marketers must directly access and check the reports provided by the media they are using, or advertisers must build them themselves.
Retargeting campaigns cannot be operated.
Because the collection of universal identifiers that can identify devices is expected to be extremely limited, we do not expect to be able to secure sufficient parameters to run the campaign.
ROAS cannot be measured.
This data cannot be measured because the device cannot be identified.
DFINERY response information
SDK update for iOS 14
You must complete the update with DFINERY iOS14 compatible SDK .
Apple Search Ad updates
The previously provided Apple Search Ads (ASA) API has been changed to Apple Ads Attribution (AAA) API. The ASA API was able to receive Apple Search Ads attribution results through one-time communication at the app level. The ASA API is only valid up to version 14.5. In the changed AAA API, a dynamic token must first be issued to obtain attribution results at the app level, and the attribution API must be called using this token to obtain results.
DFINERY has completed its SDK to be fully compatible with the new Apple Search Ad framework.
[[Quote:Instructions:Small]] Apple Search Ads provides attribution results regardless of the user's ATT settings.
However, you cannot check the results of Apple Search Ads when Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) is enabled.
Apple Ads Attribution API process, Apple developer site (
SKAdNetwork Integrated Report
In order for advertisers to fully utilize SKAdNetwork, an integrated reporting environment is required. Additionally, discussions on collaboration and interconnection methods are needed between clients, attribution companies, and media companies. SKAdnetwork connections with media companies will be completed starting with prepared media partners and will be updated sequentially.
Preparations and changes for each member
a. Deciding whether to obtain IDFA
In iOS14 and later, app developers have two options:
- IDFA is not obtained. (ATT pop-up implementation
- Obtain IDFA. (ATT pop-up implementation O)
To obtain an IDFA, you must implement an ATT popup within the app. Once IDFA is obtained through this process, more sophisticated attribution will be possible. However, in order for the definitive attribution model to work, the media companys app also needs to obtain IDFA.Of course, as we saw earlier, Even if the ATT pop-up is not implemented or the IDFA cannot be obtained due to the users refusal to consent, the probabilistic attribution modeling method using IDFV works to enable attribution measurement and analysis.
b. Integration for SKAdNetwork reporting
In order to use the Apple Attribution Library, you must link to pass execution information to Apple when the app is installed and run.
- Call registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution() on your apps first run.
- To track performance after installation, call updateConversionValue(_ :).
- For more details, please refer to Apple developer documentation. ( link )
Media Partner
In case IDFA acquisition is not possible, postback template update and linkage to participate in SKAdNetwork must be completed.
a. Postback changes
- Postback changes are as follows. This change applies equally to all versions, including iOS 14.
Attribution is measured even when there is no IDFA on all versions, including iOS 14. IDFV is used as the basic identifier, but if IDFA can be obtained, IDFA is used as an additional identifier.
Media partners may receive postbacks under the following circumstances and conditions:
In case of only conditional postback
IDFA 획득 여부와 관계 없이 Only 조건의 을 수신할 수 있습니다.
In case of All condition postback
IDFA 획득이 가능할 경우, 모든 종류의 을 수신할 수 있습니다.
IDFA 획득이 불가능할 경우, 자신의 성과로 인정되는 성과만 수신할 수 있습니다.
구조는 IDFA 획득 여부에 따라 아래와 같이 변경됩니다.
macro explanation Obtain IDFA IDFA cannot be obtained {req.common.identity.adid} Macro that previously transmitted IDFA.
Scheduled to be discontinued.
postback Postback not possible {req.common.identity.idfa} Apple Advertising Identifier (IDFA) postback Postback not possible {req.common.identity.idfv} Apple Vendor Identifier (IDFV) postback
b. Integration for SKAdNetwork reporting
- You must register as an ad network by submitting an application to Apple.
- You must request that the ad network ID be added to the media app that will display the ad.
- The API provided by Apple must be called when an ad is clicked.
- When the advertisement is completed (executed after installing the app), the API provided by Apple must be requested to be called from the advertiser app.
- The server must be configured to receive the install postback sent by Apple within 24 to 48 hours after the advertisement is completed.
- For more details, please refer to Apple developer documentation. [ link ]
Support inquiry
DFINERY will help advertisers, marketers, and ad networks by providing as much information related to iOS 14 as possible. New policies and concepts are having a significant impact on all members of the iOS-based advertising ecosystem. For this purpose, we have created a separate email support group. Please feel free to leave your inquiry and we will respond after confirmation.