Considerations when upgrading to the remastered version
This guide will walk you through some things to consider when migrating from your company's original version to the remastered version.
Please proceed with the transfer using one of the two methods recommended below, taking into consideration the purpose of using Adbricks, internal app operation and management policies, etc.
The original and remastered versions of the SDK (System Development Kit) are independent.
- Please
make sure to match the SDK and App Key information of each version of Adbricks (Original, Remastered) and link them
- Please
uninstall the original version SDK
to use the remastered version.
- Please refer to the guide for how to remove the original version SDK:
Original version SDK removal guide
- Please refer to the relevant guide for how to integrate the remastered version SDK and events.
Remastered version SDK integration guide
1. Transfer after parallel linking
We recommend this transfer method in the following cases:
- If you are running an advertising campaign or want to ensure the stability of your advertising campaign settings during transfer
- Due to internal policy, the app update cycle is long, so it takes a long time to reflect technical changes.
Roadmap for transfer after parallel linkage
We will run the original SDK and remastered SDK in parallel and maintain them for about a month before safely transferring them to the remastered version.
For large commerce app customers currently using the remastered version, there are internal policy restrictions such as 1) the app update cycle being long and users being prevented from being forced to update their apps. Therefore, the original and remastered versions were linked in parallel for one month and then transferred. This method has the advantage of allowing a certain amount of analysis data to be accumulated in the remastered version and of allowing a soft landing for ad operations as it saves time for ad settings, etc. However, since multiple SDKs for the same purpose are linked, it can be a burden in terms of system management. There are limitations such as the long app update cycle and the user being forced to update the app. So, the original and remastered versions were linked in parallel for one month and then transferred. This method has the advantage of being able to accumulate a certain amount of analysis data in the remaster and of being able to make a soft landing for ad operations as it saves time for ad settings, etc. However, since multiple SDKs for the same purpose are linked, it can be a burden in terms of system management.
1) In case of modifications such as linking, there may be a delay in reflection.
1) Link the remastered SDK and event API while the original version SDK is linked.
2) Maintain linkage for 1 month (advertisement settings, etc. applied in advance)
3) If necessary, request the Adbricks business office to transfer existing user data (ADID/IDFA) (the user data cannot be analyzed for events) 4) Update the app after removing the original version SDK and event API
3) If necessary, request transfer of existing user data (ADID/IDFA) to the Adbricks business office (the user data cannot be used for event analysis)
4) Update the app after removing the original version SDK and event API.
The original and remastered versions of the SDK (System Development Kit) are independent.
- Please refer to the guide for how to remove the original version SDK:
Original version SDK removal guide
- Please refer to the relevant guide for how to integrate the remastered version SDK and events.
Remastered version SDK integration guide
2. Transfer immediately
We recommend this transfer method in the following cases:
- When it is burdensome to link multiple SDKs for the same purpose
- In cases where technical changes such as app updates can be quickly reflected
When changing to the remastered version, you can transfer user data (ADID/IDFA) measured in the original version to avoid ad interruption. However, the transfer of user data is simply for the purpose of preventing new executions (New Install) by past users, and event analysis data cannot be transferred. In addition, event analysis of the transferred user data is not possible. If you would rather use the remastered version while preventing duplication of ad performance, please apply the method above. Please note that this method can reduce various problem variables that may occur in the app since the SDK is linked independently. If you are concerned about multiple SDKs for the same purpose being linked, we recommend this method. Since the SDK is linked independently, it can reduce various problem variables that may occur in the app. If you are burdened by having multiple SDKs linked for the same purpose, we recommend this method.
1) Remove original version SDK and event API
2) Remastered version SDK and event API integration
3) Proceed with ad settings in the remastered version before updating the app
4) Request transfer of existing user data (ADID/IDFA) to Adbricks business office (the user data cannot be used for event analysis)
5) Update the app (forced update recommended)
The original and remastered versions of the SDK (System Development Kit) are independent.
- Please refer to the guide for how to remove the original version SDK:
Original version SDK removal guide
- Please refer to the relevant guide for how to integrate the remastered version SDK and events.
Remastered version SDK integration guide