SDK Release Note - iOS
FollowiOS Release Note
- Release date: 2024.05.09
Major Updates
- Privacy Manifest has been modified.
Distribution date: 2024.04.03
- Major Updates
The iAD framework has been removed.
- Privacy Manifest has been modified.
- Distribution date: 2024.03.20
Major Updates
- The in-app message logic has been improved.
- Distribution date: 2024.03.06
Fixed Issues
- When there are multiple event properties of an in-app message trigger, a bug where only the first event property was checked has been resolved.
- Distribution date: 2024.01.31
Fixed Issues
- Fixed a bug where event logs could occasionally be called with duplicates.
Distribution date: 2023.12.22
- Major Updates
A Privacy Manifest file has been added that describes the reasons for using the API, for which reasons must be specified.
When linking push click tracking through the userNotificationCenter(center:response) API, the criteria for generating the open_push event have changed.
- Existing: The open_push event is called only when the app is opened by clicking push.
- Changed: The open_push event is called in all cases where push is clicked.
Distribution date: 2023.11.02
- Major Updates
In-app messages have been changed to be based on web view.
- In-app messages can be used for user-based audiences.
Fixed Issues
- Impression bug in Sticky Banner in-app message has been resolved.
- getAllInAppMessage(completion:)
- setInAppMessageFetchMode(mode:)
- Distribution date: 2023.08.01
Major Updates
setKakaoId, setPhoneNumber, set/getSubscription API changes
- The Error property of the object passed to the callback of the corresponding API has been changed to resultMessage and resultCode.
- setInAppMessageFetchMode ( mode:)
- 2748737
Distribution date: 2023.06.20
- Major Updates
- The setKakaoId(kakaoId:completion:) API has been added to set up Kakao Friend Talk.
The setPhoneNumber ( number : completion :) API for SMS settings has been added.
- Deprecated
setUserCiWithAttr ( attrModel:)
- 2748744
- Distribution date: 2023.05.23
Major Updates
- A feature for subscribing to user-based informational/advertising notifications has been added.
- Fixed Issues
When calling the login API, if whiteSpace is entered as the userID argument value, the userId has been modified so that it is not stored on the server.
- Growth Action (In-App Message)
- An error where transparency was not applied to the background of some pop-up message types has been resolved.
- An error where a 1px white line appeared in full-screen pop-up messages has been resolved.
- Deprecated
- deleteUserDataAndStopSDK ( userId: completion:)
restartSDK (userId:completion:)
- setLocation ( latitude : longitude :)
Distribution date: 2023.04.11
- Major Updates
The minimum build version supported by the SDK has changed.
Xcode 14.1
iOS 11.0
- Fixed Issues
Growth Action (In-App Message)
- A bug where In-App Message does not work when updating from iOS SDK or lower to iOS SDK or higher has been fixed.
Distribution date: 2023.03.28
- Major Updates
Files used for images and DB are no longer stored in the Application Support (DB) and Library/Cache (image) folders rather than the Document Directory folder and are not exposed to users.
- Improved stability in concurrent environments.
- Fixed Issues
An issue where existing user data is retained when logging in with a different ID without calling logout has been resolved.
- Growth Action (In-App Message)
- An issue where the pop-up messages campaign exposure frequency is reset after the pop-up message is retrieved from the server has been resolved.
- An issue where pop-up messages close when rotated (changes landscape or portrait mode) has been resolved.
- released on 2023.02.08
- update addToWishList, share API
- fix deferred-deeplink issue
- released on 2023.01.27
- update in-app message Sticky Banner
- add-in-app message API
- released on 2022.12.22
- update deferred-deeplink API
update login API dealing with userid
- released on 2022.12.02
- update getUserId API
- released on 2022.10.27
- update deferred deeplink logic
update in-app message logic
- released on 2022.08.02
- update event container logic
- released on 2022.07.11
- update event datetime logic
- update push message
- released on 2022.06.24
- updateFlushAllEventsAPI
- update deeplinkDelegate
- released on 2022.05.13
- update in-app message API
update SKA Adnetwork
- released on 2022.04.04
update parameter type in AttrModel
- released on 2022.03.23
add action history for app push
- released on 2022.03.22
- change the util class name to prevent duplicating Class error of Xcode (OBJ-C)
released on 2022.03.01
- add Seoul region AWS
- the in-app message is available
- update purchase API
- released on 2021.10.04
- change the name of Framework, "AdBrixRemastered_XC"
- from now on, import "AdBrixRM_XC" instead of "AdBrixRm" in your project
- released on 2021.06.30
- SDK for Xcode 12.5.1 and Swift 5.4
- dealing with bug between obj-c and swfit
- released on 2021.06.30
- SDK for Xcode 12.4 and Swift 5.3
- dealing with bug between obj-c and swfit
- released on 2021.06.21
- SDK for Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4
- update logic of saving data in local storage
- released on 2021.06.21
- SDK for Xcode 12.4 and Swift 5.3
- update logic of saving data in local storage
- 1.6.5601
- released on 2021.06.10
- SDK for Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4
add APIs dealing with push
- sync default data value with android
- update user_property_changed event logic
- update event upload logic
- 1.6.5600
- released on 2021.06.10
- SDK for Xcode 12.4 and Swift 5.3
add APIs dealing with push
- sync default data value with android
- update user_property_changed event logic
- update event upload logic
- released on 2021.06.02
- SDK for Xcode 12.5
- make attribution logic more sophisticated
- released on 2021.06.02
SDK for Xcode 12.4
- make attribution logic more sophisticated
- support for Xcode 12.5 and Swift 5.4
- 1.6.5406
fix commonSignUpWithAttr API bug
- 1.6.5401
fix datetime invalid error(this error only happened when the timezone is set as Japan)
- update SDK to support iOS 14.5 ATT policy
- Add New Purchase API with orderSales parameter
- 1.6.5102
Swift Compiler Optimization Level Changed
- 1.6.5100
add signup channel (SkTid, AppleId)
- improve stability
- Support for Xcode 11.4 and Swift 5.2
- updated notification feature
- updated notification key
- 1.5.9
- updated notification key
- 1.5.8
- support for Swift 5.1
updated internal logicadded keys concerned with battery state
Added logout API
added clearUserProperty API
- ※ Warning: From this SDK version, it requires to use Xcode 11.
- If you using previous Xcode 10, please use Adbrix SDK 1.5.6 version downloads from cocoapods.
- pod AdBrixRemastered,1.5.6
- 1.5.6
modified internal structure
- added logic for react-native
added uuid key
- dont invalidate background task anymore
- 1.5.1
fixed initialization issue in unity project
- 1.5.0
updated V2 logics including suffix, DSK, Config
- Enhanced SDK security
- 1.3.4
- Please update your SDK if you use this version
1.3.3support for Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2
- changed name of CocoaPods to "AdBrixRemastered"
Please update your SDK if you use this version
- 1.3.0: *.
just same logic with 1.2.9
- support for Swift 5.0
- changed cocoaPods Podfile Repository name from AdBrixRemaster to AdBrixRemastered
- 1.2.8
fixed datetime logic bug
- 1.2.7
- modified xcode bitcode settings
modified idfa logic
- 1.2.6
- modified deeplink parse logic
modified advertise tracking parse logic
- 1.2.3 - 1.2.5
fixed minor bug, modified log logic
AdBrixCurrency > AdBrix Rm Currency
AdBrixInvite > AdBrix Rm Invite
AdBrixSignUp > AdBrix Rm SignUp
fixed: deeplink validation when use wrong url scheme
- 1.2.2
modified deeplink parse logic
- changed enum
1.1.8 - 1.2.1
- fixed minor bug
- fixed statement of deeplink
- include i386, x86_64 module
- fixed minor bug
- added bitcode logic
- fixed minor bug
- fixed minor bug
- 1.1.1
- downgrade deployment target to 8.0
- build via xcode10
- support swift 4.2
- sdk deployment target changed to 10.0
- added deferred deeplink delegate
fixed session data remain bugs
- added universal link logic
- added pre-defined 4 methods in common class
- added Apple SearchAds Function
- fixed idfa logic, added validation of parameters
- 1.0.5
added GDPR Functions
- 1.0.4
added pre-defined method in commerce, game
- added session_type for session
- Bug Fixed log trace logic
- Added Encrypt Logic